It is just around the corner —-
‘Round the bend of days to be;
If you’re apt to be a scorner,
Better listen unto me.
I have seen their ugly faces —-
Toothless hags and grinning ghosts —-
Who will put us through our paces
When we’re forced to be their hosts.
They’re preparing an invasion
Like an army on the prowl,
And unique is the persuasion
They are practicing to howl.
With a bag held out to capture
All the loot that it can hold,
They’ll enjoy an eerie rapture
In a spirit scarey-bold.
Little spacemen, cats and witches
Are united in this task,
Though their costume-collar itches
And they smother ‘neath their mask.
It’s a symbol of the season,
And when all is said and done,
It’s survived without a reason
Except having lots of fun.