What does a father bestow on his son
Ere he can claim that his title is won?
More than the seed of a life he must give.
He is the pattern of how men should live:
Strength that supports without having to show,
Patience to teach what a youngster should know,
Loyalty’s conscience and duty’s decree,
Courage to challenge the evils that be,
Kindness, compassion, a measure of cheer —
These to his son make the father-role clear,
Plus what lifts men ‘bove the slime of the sod:
Faith in each other and faith in their God.
What does a daughter receive from her Dad?
Comfort when something is making her sad,
Reasoned advice when dilemmas occur
Thoughtfully, tenderly, tailored for her;
Hope to finance all her castles in air
Lent with an interest both of them share;
Joy o’er her joy; mirth o’er her mirth,
Pride in her works and her womanly worth;
Home as the model until she is grown
Like unto that she would have for her own;
Knowledge that she has his favor for life,
Sharing love’s pinnacle close to his wife.