Now you pause for graduation
On the stairs of measured time
And give thanks for preparation
Unto those who’ve helped your climb.
Parents watch with mixed emotion—
Sad that years have quickly sped,
Proud of you and your promotion,
Anxious ’bout the days ahead.
Some advice we still are giving,
(As, of course, you knew we would).
Life is meant for fullest living.
Breathe in deeply of its good.
Know yourself—whate’er you master.
Like yourself—on that depends
Whether lone you face disaster
Or enjoy a wealth of friends.
Of your goal make wise selection.
In the balance put its cost;
So that time in retrospection
Will find nothing precious lost.
As you leave this step of learning
And assume another role,
Keep the quest for knowledge burning
In your heart and mind and soul.
And may God bestow his blessing.
May He grant you ‘long the way
Joy like that you are possessing
On your Graduation Day.