There was once a candy maker
In a viIlage in the hiIls
Who oft doubled for a baker
If one wished a cake with friIls;
But he made a peanut brittle
That was known for miles around.
When he stirred his candy “kittle”,
Guess where children could be found?
Loving children was his failing,
If a failing it can be;
And a group was always trailing
For the “tastes” that would be free.
How he ever made a living
Those who knew him couldn’t say,
For they always saw him giving
All his precious wares away.
Just before one Christmas season
Early mornings he’d arise
Cause he had this special reason:
He so wanted to surprise
All the tots with a confection
In a brand new Christmas mold;
But with all his deep reflection
No new pattern would unfold.
Then one dawn this would-be treater
Had his eyes squeezed to a squint.
Lo! He’d left too near the heater
All his sticks of peppermint.
There like shepherd crooks they rested!
The old man could scarce believe
That he had what he’d requested
For the tots on Christmas Eve.